Top 5 FlyLady Cleaning Bloggers that WILL Change Your Life

When you need cleaning motivation, particularly FlyLady cleaning motivation, turning to a FlyLady influencer can save you a ton of time. I LOVE the FlyLady cleaning system but I am woman enough to admit that the FlyLady blog makes me want to scream. So, what's a Momma to do?

I was floored recently when a friend of mine told me that she never watches YouTube videos or reads blogs! Two seconds later she was telling me about how lost she felt compared to other moms who seem to be able to keep their houses perfect.

My question is this if you didn't have someone to teach you to keep a clean house then how would you know? It sounds a little crazy I know, but reading blogs and watching videos is a great way for me to relate to other people with social distancing in place. Sometimes you just need a little FlyLady cleaning motivation and each FlyLady influencer or FlyLady blogger does it a little differently!

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Even before the mess of 2020, I was an avid YouTube consumer. If I need to know how to do anything, I watch a video that walks me step by step through it from an average real-life person and not a generic how-to manual. Now that I follow FlyLady, I am always looking for FlyLady cleaning motivation.

Just today, I could not find a release lever by the photo in the manual, and yet watching 20 seconds of a video and presto, it’s fixed. I think blogs and videos can save a ton of time trying to figure things out and engage with people of all ages. I follow a lot of random channels but I am passionate about figuring out how to do life better. These are just a few of the influencers that have helped me get control over the chaos in my home. is FlyLady + ADHD

In this blog, you will see Joni is not your typical FlyLady influencer. She is a real-life ADHD FlyLady blogger on a mission to tackle clutter with a little sass and a sense of humor. Joni claims to be a 20 yr veteran of FlyLady which pretty much makes her an expert by now!

— Joni @

She has a ton of posts about the FlyLady system that can help even the newest FlyBabies (that's what they call FlyLady followers). Click this link to see her post:

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Don't do life alone, join the village to managing life together. is FlyLady + Natural Products

    Sara is a bright spot on the Flylady influencers and blogger spectrum for sure. She is into just about any way to talk about cleaning and detoxing in a healthy way. I have followed her on YouTube and her blog for a while now. What is fun about her is that her family moved out of the country and continues to reach out to encourage moms from around the world. That's very cool so you will want to check her blog post about the FlyLady Control Journal.

  is FlyLady + Best Attitude

    Diane is seriously the iconic FlyLady influencer and specializes in FlyLady cleaning motivation. She is ultra perky with her pompoms and morning swims. You will not find any highly edited videos with her. I love that her YouTube is her and a camera running while she actually does the cleaning in real-time.

    Plus, her bright smile is sure to make even the darkest clouds run away!

    “Rah, rah, rah…”

    -Diane in Denmark

    Diane is everywhere so you can choose from her website (her FlyLady Zone Ideas post was really helpful when I was first learning), instagram, or YouTube to get your dose of happy cleaning daily.


    TheSecretSlob is FlyLady + Young Kids

    Steph is a little newer to the FlyBaby fold but she is still worth mentioning. Of all of the FlyLady cleaning bloggers, Steph really pulls back the curtain and lets you see the mess of being a mommy. Trying to clean when raising littles seems impossible at times but Steph has a great way of encouraging you to do your best. She started recording herself trying FlyLady as an accountability measure but other stressed moms found her to be inspirational. Have you seen her videos? (Update as of 9-1-24, the Secret Slob’s website is no longer up but the videos are still available on youtube.)

    Good Enough is Good Enough!
    — Steph @ The Secret Slob

    These days Steph is taking on so much more and bringing us along for the ride. She recently started a podcast with her sister and is renovating her home! All while balancing life with 3 littles, can you say Super Mom?

  is FlyLady + Everything else

    This Flylady cleaning blog has everything! If you want to know FlyLady you got it. If you need help with time management or decluttering, they have it. Katie is the mom of twins who is helping moms everywhere get it together. She has a lot of printables and even a Quickstart manual for purchase. However, she has a lot of ads on her site so it is a little difficult to enjoy reading the blogs at times. In spite of the interruptions, I found her information to really be helpful!

    For anyone who is ready to take control of the mess and start the new year off on a clean slate, these blogs can really keep you focused. If reading is not your thing (I will admit video works better for us multitaskers), then check out this video of my favorite cleaning YouTubers! I follow every one of them and highly recommend you do too!

    As always, my desire is for those of us not naturally neat and tidy to pool our resources. We are the norm, not the exception. More and more young adults are learning these skills on the fly because it's rare to have a stay-at-home mom in the past 40 yrs! If no one taught you, don't feel bad. With the internet and specifically video, there is no limit to what you can learn quickly and easily! Happy cleaning.


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