Crisis Cleaning for the Holidays the FlyLady Way
The FlyLady has a name for the mad dash many of us make the second we find out someone is coming over to visit. She calls this crisis cleaning for the holidays and she has a plan that you can put into action to save face with your friends and family so they will never know just what a mess you truly are! Are you ready to tackle and tidy?
What is Crisis Cleaning?
The reality of the holidays is a far cry from the Hallmark movies we dream about. In my home, I recently looked around and had two piles of clean laundry to be folded and tossed onto a chair. Plus, there were at least three empty Amazon boxes by the door that the kids had left. I would hate for someone to stop by and think this mess is what my house always looks like! (but isn't it?)
Moms are busier than ever it seems. Not only do many of us work full time, but our commutes are also longer leaving even less time to do the mom things like laundry and cleaning. When the holidays roll around, suddenly we are filled with expectations of homemade cookies and caroling. We are in crisis mode before we even get started.
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Why is Crisis Cleaning for the Holidays important?
Crisis cleaning for the holidays is a simple plan of attack. A plan eliminates panic and makes us more efficient. Instead of wasting time figuring out where to start, you get straight to work making progress.
“He who fails to plan is planning to fail.”
Before you show your readers HOW to get started with something, I always like to emphasize why they should care in the first place
Getting the dreaded call that my mother-in-law was going to drop something by the house was one of my biggest fears. As a new mom, I was struggling to find my rhythm and late-night feedings were getting the best of me. Can you imagine it's 9:45 am and she will be here in 25 minutes and I have not showered, there is a pile of dirty dishes in the sink, and the trash is overflowing? This was my reality until I learned how to crisis clean (but also learned my FlyLady morning routines).
What is needed to start Speed Cleaning?
There are a few things that will make cleaning go smoother. I suggest building up a cleaning caddy so that it will be ready to grab and go on a seconds notice! You can add a ton of great products to it, but these are the main ones for Crisis Cleaning:
Kitchen Timer: This will help you stay on track and on time. A timer is likely the most valuable part of the FlyLady system as it sets boundaries that you can work with.
Bucket or Caddy: Some type of basket to keep all of the products you will need together that is easy to take to each room as you clean. This will cut down on wasted time running back to the kitchen or laundry room to get products or rags.
Glass Cleaner: Either mix your own and keep it on hand or purchase a streak-free version to keep handy. Don't forget a microfiber cloth or squeegee to make things easier (and faster)!
Multi-Purpose Cleaner: This will take care of 90% of your messes. I love to get one with a nice scent that makes me happy and makes the house feel welcoming.
Feather Duster: In a rush is no time to try to polish things. Grabbing a feather duster is like cleaning on steroids.
How to start Crisis Cleaning the FlyLady Way?
The FlyLady has a simple plan for cleaning quickly. First of all, start the timer for fifteen minutes. On the first wave, tackle the dishes and clear out the sink and counters. As always, start from left to right. When the timer goes off stop and move on. (you will come back to finish)
Next, set the timer again and grab a laundry basket and trash bag. In the living room, clear off the surfaces, pick up trash, and put pillows and blankets back in their places unless they belong in another room. If you find things that belong to another room, place them in the laundry basket and keep tidying. Do not leave the living room until the timer goes off.
Return to the kitchen and set the timer again for fifteen minutes and continue to clean the counters, sink, appliances. You will alternate back to the kitchen until you are finished or the guests arrive. With each fifteen-minute segment, things look better and better so that even if you do not finish the whole house is looking nice.
This time you head into the bathroom that is used when company visits. I have a half bath off the living room so this is the focus for the next fifteen minutes. Wipe the surfaces, clean the mirror, swish the toilet, and empty the trash.
You should be tired but the house looks pretty tidy. In the last few minutes, get yourself cleaned up and maybe light a candle and relax. Well done!
Tips for success in Crisis Speed Cleaning
The genius behind crisis cleaning is that each traffic area gets attention equally. If you spend 45 minutes in the kitchen and none in the living room the impression is that your house is still a mess. By splitting time up amongst the rooms, they all are improved. The timer is the key to alternating and staying on task.
Frequently Asked Questions
Crisis Cleaning is the plan to quickly clean up when you have guests coming over. The FlyLady has a Crisis Cleaning plan on her website at that has worked for many busy moms.
The FlyLady is a cleaning influencer that has been publishing books, podcasts, and videos with her robust cleaning routines that include the 31 Baby Steps, Daily Focus, and Zone Cleaning.
Having a plan will reduce the panic. Don't get upset about the house or the unexpected visitor. Focus on one room for 15 minutes and then move on. Having a clear plan of attack works!
The last thing you need to know about Crisis Cleaning
Having a plan will reduce the panic. Don't get upset about the house or the unexpected visitor. Focus on one room for 15 minutes and then move on. Having a clear plan of attack works!