5 FlyLady Alternatives if FlyLady ISN'T For You

The FlyLady Cleaning System may not be for you but is there any alternatives out there to try? Absolutely! In fact, I believe it is good to try out new cleaning routines every now and then just to avoid boredom.

Today I am reviewing 5 FlyLady Alternatives and I am sure one of them will get your attention. I searched the internet, YouTube, and even Reddit to come up with the most talked about alternative to the FlyLady System.

What is the June Bugging Cleaning System?

I feel like very few of us have heard of June bugging but there is a following. It is a cleaning strategy based on the method a June bug uses to find a hole in a screen. They set a specific spot and then search all around it getting wider and wider, like a ripple effect. With this in mind, June bugging was designed specifically for people who struggle with attention issues.

Neurodivergent people can have any number of issues affecting their attention like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and even trauma. Those suffering from this need an anchoring task to keep them on track.

As someone who suffers from ADHD, I know while cleaning I can pick up a bill to put at the desk and then realize the desk is a wreck and before I know it I am emptying drawers to reorganize my entire system...and NOT cleaning the kitchen which is where I found the bill.

With June bugging, you mentally anchor to a specific task such as making the bed. First, if there is stuff you may need to clean it off quickly and come back. Then make the bed, find the pillows, pick up the clothes around the bed, clear off the nightstand, and so forth moving out and away from the bed as each task is accomplished.


  • Nothing to follow, just anchor to a task

  • Recommended by Psychologists


  • Not Robust Enough for a Full Routine

  • Not much published on this system

While I can see the value this would add to someone younger with a lot of distractions like a shared dorm room, I do not think this method works best for my home in spite of the fact that I have ADHD. If you want to read more about this, check out these Reddit comments.

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    Is GoCleanCo a good FlyLady Alternative?

    In the past few years, I have been seeing a lot of fun reels on Instagram from GoCleanCo. They do an amazing job of explaining how to deep clean specific things. I ordered their Laundry Manual (which I love-check out some of the tips here) and the Cleaning Manual. Great value in my opinion! (UPDATE: As of 9/4/24, GoCleanCo.com has changed to Housework.com.)

    Basically GoCleanCo has a rotating Schedule of cleaning by room. You also have a set of daily tasks that are very similar to my FlyLady daily tasks and the Clean Mama daily tasks.

    I gave this plan a try and was a little lost as to when I was supposed to be cleaning each room. Overall, I think the important thing is to just dive in and start cleaning. The Cleaning Manual has specific recipes for mixing cleaning solutions that really seem to work. In fact, I mixed up a small batch to get started with and was so amazed and shocked by my dirty water that I just kept making more! I spent and entire day washing walls and trim that I did not plan on doing because it was so rewarding. On a side note, I was sore the next day from the workout!


    • Great recipe for cleaning solutions

    • No sweeping-stick vac is faster

    • Deep cleaning videos available

    • Results are amazing


    • Not a grab and go method

    • Need a stick vac (not the heavy Kirby)

    • Intense Workout!


    Is The Organised Mum Method better than FlyLady?

    In the past year or two, I had heard of The Organised Mum Method (TOMM) but had not found a lot of videos on YouTube until I realized the creator of TOMM actually uses her name Gemma Bray for her channel name instead of The Organised Mum. I have been following Gemma off and on for a while and she talks about cleaning and motivation but rarely mentions her books or website.

    I was very impressed with the website and although my book seems to have been mis-delivered, I have been able to follow the plan straight from her printable. The best part of her printables are that they are 100% free and do not require an email!

    The Organized Mum Method uses three levels to cleaning. The base level (L1) is for the daily tasks that again are very similar to my FlyLady daily routine. The midlevel (L2) is the normal rotating tasks by room, each day focus on a specific room for 30 minutes of cleaning. On Friday, things get a little different. Friday is for Focused Cleaning (aka deep cleaning or zone cleaning). The focused cleaning tasks rotate on an 8 wk schedule so deep cleaning happens every 2 months BUT the Monday-Thursday cleaning is 30 min each week by room so rooms do stay clean.


    • Super Easy to Follow

    • Printables 100% free/no email

    • Plan works well in busy life

    • Includes Yardwork on Friday rotation

    • Some videos available

    • App is available

    • Books are available


    • Does NOT include Dishes at all as a task

    • Every Friday is a deep cleaning day

    • App is not free, $5.99

    I can easily see why The Organized Mum Method has done so well. I am impressed. Overall, I like this plan but to continue to use it I would have to customize it to include dishes as part of my daily routine...dishes are a MUST for me!


    Does Clean Mama Work Better than FlyLady?

    FlyLady fans usually have heard of Clean Mama since it is frequently compared on YouTube! In December I decided to do a vacation from my normal cleaning routine (FlyLady) for a full month of Clean Mama. Let me just say my house never looked so good!

    Clean Mama is similar to both FlyLady and TOMM using daily, weekly, and monthly rotating tasks. I have done more in-depth comparisons to FlyLady as well as how to get started with Clean Mama over on my YouTube channel.


    • Easy to Follow

    • Routine deep cleaning

    • Task focused cleaning

    • DIY Cleaning Recipes

    • On YouTube, Instagram, and blog


    Does not include dishes in routine

    1. Everything is hidden behind email wall

    2. Most things are behind a pay wall

    3. Expensive club, planners, and items

    4. Made me feel like perfectionism is key

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    What is Unf*ck Your Habitat (UFYH)?

    This system seems to be named specifically to shock you and designed to capture the attention of a certain demographic. I found this routine highly recommended on Reddit and was specifically recommended to be as a better routine because of FlyLady's focus on religion on her YouTube channel. If you are on Reddit, be sure to say hi @todaywithterrik.

    While I would disagree as to if it is better, I will agree that this is a fairly robust cleaning program. I was able to check Unf*ck You Habitat out from the library but I will link it here if you want to pick it up for yourself. UFYH uses daily, weekly, monthly, and even seasonal task lists to keep things tidy. The good news is that doing the dishes IS included on the daily task list! Yay!

    I was pleasantly surprised by the insight found from the Unf*ck Your Habitat book "Cleaning Sucks". Check out my full Cleaning Sucks review here because I actually learned a LOT about myself and my feelings on cleaning that helped me move past some guilt and other things that were holding me back!


    • Comprehensive cleaning plan

    • Easy to follow

    • Dishes are included in daily tasks

    • Available at some libraries


    • Offensive title

    • Dusting is a monthly task!

    • Feels more focused to singles vs families (apartment living)

    I can see why young adults have embraced UFYH as a primary cleaning routine. Is it better than FlyLady? No, I think they are similar but in most homes dusting monthly just will not cut it.

    The argument about Flylady focusing too much on religion is valid. If that is offensive there are plenty of other influencers who follow FlyLady and teach her system without including religion. If religion is the ONLY reason you have not tried FlyLady, I urge you to look at other youTubers to guide you through her system as it is an excellent foundation for a customized cleaning routine.

    So Which FlyLady Alternative Should I Try?

    Although I can see why each of these cleaning plans could be recommended, I feel like a cleaning routine should match your personality. If you prefer a room focused plan that has you focusing on a different room each day, then The Organized Mum Method is likely to be perfect for you. If you are more task focused and want to do one task in all of the rooms (dust all rooms, vacuum all rooms, etc.) then you are more likely to prefer Clean Mama.

    Both of these systems would be the tops but honorable mention goes to GoCleanCo for the detailed cleaning manual and easy-to-make cleaning recipes that truly clean everything. I will continue to mix up the tide mixture to wash my wall from now on! Which one are you the most interested in?


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